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FB-35359_04a_서측 도림천변 투시도-f.jpg


단독주택 / House

Hanok House 'Palpan-dong' Project, Seoul Korea

House  'W. 1047', Seongnam Korea

House  'P. 526-6', Seongnam Korea

House  'A', Pyeongtaek Korea

House  'P', Gwatcheon Korea

House  'B', Nancy France

House  'C', Paris France

공동주택 / A. Housings

M.S3 A.Housings, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul Korea

B.451-27 A.Housings, Gangseo-gu, Seoul Korea

Segok district Apartment Complex, Seoul Korea

Hangdong district Apartment Complex, Seoul Korea

6-4 district B4&B5, Block-typed Detached Housings Sites, Sejong Korea

문화시설 / Cultural Facility

Gapado Island Culture Center & Artist Residence, Jejudo Korea

Sinchon Culture Center, Seoul Korea

Sandol, SON Yang Won Memorial Hall, Hamangun Korea

Donhwamun Traditional Culture Center, Seoul Korea

Culture & Sports Complex Center, Paris France

Art Museum for an Avant-gardist, Yongin Korea

공공시설 / Public Facility

Samseong-dong Communit Service Center, Seoul, Korea

Munsan Health Center Branch & Local Welfare Center, Paju, Korea

Bokjeong-1-Elementary School, Seongnam, Korea 

Sangdo-dong Lotus Publid Child Care Center, Seoul, Korea

Gwangju Welfare Center for the Hearing and Linguistic Disabilities, Gwangju, Korea

Yeonsan-3dong Governments Complexes Town, Busan, Korea

Doksan-dong Industrial Culture Center, Seoul Korea

Gangdong Silver care Center, Seoul Korea

Jung-gu Youth Center, Incheon Korea

Agok Kindergarten, Yongin Korea

G Valley Culture & Community Center, Seoul Korea

North Suwon Youth Center, Suwon Korea

Amsa-3-dong Public Child Care Center, Seoul Korea

Yeongju Consolidated Public Library, Gyeongbuk Korea

Homaesil Youth Center, Suwon Korea

Naegok Community Center, Seoul Korea

Forest-Dream Kindergarten, Jeonju-si Jeollabuk-do Korea 

Namdong-Gu Post, Incheon Korea

Gileum  Fire Station, Seoul Korea

Okcheon-gun Library, Chungbuk Korea


종교시설 / Religious Facility

Immanuel Church, Seoul Korea

도시재생 / Urban Rehabilitation

Garibongdong Alleyway Rehabilitation-zone A, Seoul Korea

Garibongdong Alleyway Rehabilitation-zone BCDEF, Seoul Korea  

실내공간 / Interior Design

'B' Professor's Office Interior, Seoul Korea

'S' Professor's Villa Interior, Seoul Korea

Book Cafe 'Dreaming place', Seoul Korea

Pulpit of 'Faith Hall', Suwon Onnuri Church, Yongin Korea

Daycare programs classrooms, Moondeok elementary school, Seoul Korea

Daycare programs classrooms, Moonhyeun elementary school, Seoul Korea

Patial Remodeling of Naegok Library, Seoul Korea

Gwanak-3-ho Schoolchild Care (Kiwoom) Center, Seoul Korea

Gyeonggi Gwacheon Library of Education, Gwacheon Korea

참여, 공동작품 / Participation & Collaboration Projects


개념 아이디어 / Idea

Sub Ladder Game

가구 / Furniture

'B' Professor's Office furniture

Street furniture : Geumcheon-gu, Street of Ginkgo trees

브랜드, 로고 / CI / BI / Logo

Story Store

My Key My Heart

MyHeyMyHeart - Lopezia Racemosa

상품 / Products

edo collection - N1

edo collection - N2


상호 전이성 / Inter-Réversibilité




섬광의 장소 / Lieu du Fulgurant

Lieu du Fulgurant_I

Lieu du Fulgurant_II

Lieu du Fulgurant_III


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